Precious Commodity

screenshot_20181115-153114~25681499136964551309..jpgEach of us is given a specified number of moments to live.  While our ability to make a difference in that is highly controversial, I will state with certainty that we absolutely have the ability to control a whole lot of the quality of our lives.  While events befall us that seem to be entirely out of our control, there are large parts of our lives that are directly influenced by our daily, moment to moment decisions.  That’s what I’m talking about here.  I frequently have to give myself a “Time Check-up”.  How am I spending my time?  How are you?  If we use our time efficiently and prioritize our health FIRST, it will change the course of our lives and the lives of many around us.  Ask yourself these questions:

1-Am I getting any exercise? If not, why?

2-What is more important than my health?

3-Is the hindrance to my working out real or really lame?

4-How much time do I spend on Facebook?

5-How much time do I spend on Instagram?

6-How much time do I spend on the phone talking or texting?

7-Do I still think that I don’t have time to work out after answering those last three questions?

8-Am I getting enough sleep? If not, why?

9-Am I taking the time to track my food? Why?

10-Have I taken the time to learn how I should eat?

11-Do I know that I get enough protein?

12-Do I know how  many grams of sugar that I eat in a 24 hour period?

13-Do I realize that Adult Onset Diabetes is preventable in almost all cases?

14-Do I know what life is like with Diabetes?

15-Are there toxic people in my life?

16-Why do I tolerate toxic people?

17-What do I really want?

18-How can I get it?

19-How can I maximize the time that I’ve been given to increase the likelihood of attaining these goals?

20-Why don’t I get all of my Nutrition/Wellness information from just one place and consolidate my online time?

Meet us at .  We are a free, support blog and we reply to your comments and questions. We always have “The♥ Personal♥ Touch”, we’re here for you.;-*

6 Comments Add yours

  1. davidyochim says:

    These are important questions everyone needs to ask of themselves, and be honest in answering.

    1. Brenda Sue says:

      Yes, David, they are important. I’ve asked myself these questions, absolutely necessary. Thank you.

  2. Leah Jordan says:

    Going to concentrate on this list. Thank you for all you do.

    1. Brenda Sue says:

      You’re welcome, Leah! Thank you for reading, Sweetheart. ♥️ I’ve had to ask myself those same questions more than once.

  3. Jimi Magenheimer says:

    Thank you your post/blog my brother
    Everything I read is making a difference in me and how my life choices are what keep my stuck
    For a lack of words.
    Keep them coming.
    Love ya man

  4. davidyochim says:

    Thanks Jimi, glad my blog is helping. Love you too my brother.

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