David's Way to Health and Fitness

Symptoms of Stress and Tips to Reduce It



The picture above I took from on the road in my semi out somewhere in south western Kansas. The tranquility of the open road is great for easing a stressful mind. At David’s Way, our approach to wellness is so much more than weight loss alone, as we know there are other elements that need addressed for true healthy living. Physical fitness helps us in losing weight and stress reduction. Stress reduction helps us in losing weight as our bodies produce less of the stress hormone Cortisol. Weight loss helps us in getting more physically fit and helps to reduce the stress which comes from being obese. All these factors are tied into a lifestyle and are interwoven together. David’s Way is not a temporary diet or a short term solution, it is a lifestyle we live.

Symptoms of Stress

Physical Symptoms:  Muscular tension, Headaches, Insomnia, Twitching eyelid, Fatigue, Backaches, Neck/Shoulder pain, Digestive disorders, Teeth grinding, Changes in eating/sleep patterns, Sweaty palms

Emotional Symptoms:  Anxiety, Frequent crying, Irritability, Frustration, Depression, Worrying, Nervousness, Moodiness, Anger, Self doubt, Resentment

Mental Symptoms:  Short concentration, Forgetfulness, Lethargy, Pessimism, Low productivity, Confusion

Social Symptoms:  Loneliness, Nagging, Withdrawal from social contact, Isolation, Yelling at others, Reduced sex drive

Tips for Reducing Stress



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