Harbinger Ab Carver Pro Review


Keep It Simple

I’m a purist when it comes to my exercise equipment. I don’t buy into the latest fads that seem to be sold to make getting a great body easy because that can’t happen. If any product is touted as a quick and easy, painless way to get ripped and sculpted, buyer beware! I bought this gadget about 1 1/2 years ago and I have been well-pleased with the contribution that I believe that it has made to my overall fitness.


One of the best features of this little dynamo, for me, is the fact that it is almost a total body workout. If I am traveling with one piece of equipment, this gadget would compete with my kettle bell. Since I am a weight trainer, I do like some heavy weight but the kettle bell is heavy to transport. This ab trainer is lightweight and travels easily. The handles are removable, so you can fit it in almost anywhere. If you have a short trip, you can carry this wheel with you and add a little walking for a pretty thorough workout. As you stretch out to extend your reach, you will feel almost every muscle in your body working. As you ascend, I almost guarantee that you will either feel all of them working, or you will swear that you did. It’s a great workout.

New and Improved!

There are more narrow versions around but this newer design enables better side-to-side motion. I believe that this feature has helped me sculpt better oblique muscles in my abdomen. I do a bit of work directed towards my obliques and this wheel is an integral piece of that puzzle.

Spring Assist?

When I first bought this particular model, there was some question about the spring assist function possibly helping too much. Ha. That spring assist enables you to put in more time under tension which is integral to sculpting the abdomen. You can use the old, narrow wheel if you like, but you won’t put in as much time or get the extended range-of-motion that you get with the Harbinger Ab Carver Pro. I have used one of the original wheels but I would never go back to that narrow path of travel or the shorter duration that is inevitable with those wheels.

Ease of Use

The handles are shaped and mounted in an ergonomically-friendly fashion that enables you to focus on your workout, instead of constantly having to reposition your hands and start over. I really like the smooth action that these handles provide. Along with the spring-assist, they smooth out the bumps and allow you to focus on the business at hand instead of the gadget itself. You will only be thinking about getting back up, not fighting with your equipment all the way down and back up. It works with you.

Availability and Price

You can but this wheel at Dick’s Sporting Goods for only $34.99 which is much cheaper than many rip-off gadgets that don’t do what they’re sold to do. This little wheel will do what it says. You can also buy it on their website. You must remember, “Abs are made in the kitchen.” No workout or gadget is going to give you 6-pack abs if they are covered with a layer of fat. If you mind your nutrition and utilize this wheel into your regular workouts, I believe that you will be pleased with your purchase. It’s incredibly durable so I believe that if you make this small investment, this is something that you will use for years to come with good results. I know that this has been my experience.

Happy rolling!

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