David's Way to Health and Fitness

Ab Rocket Twister, Another Total Waste of Money


Wow, what a grand deal this contraption when you can make five easy payments of $19.95 in order to be able to “Just Rock and Twist to Tighter, Sexier Abs”!


In the ever increasing world of abdominal exercise machines, we find this worthless piece of junk. They claim that by investing five minutes per day, you can develop rock hard abs simply by going through motions similar to that of a rocking chair.

Please, do not let anyone think you are naive enough to believe this malarkey.

But just look at those results below!

Real People. Real Results.Fast

If I was lacking as much integrity as the crooks marketing this damn contraption, I might be a rich man living on a tropical beach somewhere instead of in a place of blistering hot summers followed by frigid cold winters.

Just look at their claim that you can get ripped, washboard abs in half the time!

Do they know what it actually takes to get ripped, washboard abs, or are they counting on you not having a blooming clue how to earn them. I would venture to say, they are counting on you not knowing what it takes to EARN visible abs.

Visible abs do not come easy or just by exercise alone! 

Pay attention to the small print above!

They provide you with a low calorie meal plan to shed pounds and inches.

Visible abs are made in the kitchen more so than in the gym with exercise. No matter how much you work your ab muscles, if you are not eating a healthy diet within your daily caloric needs, no amount of exercise of any type will reveal your abdominal muscles for the world to see.

A good many people desire having a sexy midsection, yet they often lack the discipline required to ever have it. A sexy midsection does not come easy, it requires a commitment to a healthy diet combined with exercise as a lifestyle. These contraptions are marketed to tap into our innate desire for perfectly sculpted abs, by making it seem as if they have the solution to give them to you with little effort. Not to be insulting to any of you, but these shysters are banking on your lack of knowledge regarding how to build a fit, trim and healthy body. They are also counting on people who want to take the easiest route possible towards having a sexy midsection to hand over their hard earned cash. If you have a bulging tummy, the first thing you need to worry about is getting your nutrition in good order. We can help you with this for zero charge ever. Just go to our home menu and click the David’s Way Plan to learn exactly what it takes to  permanently lose your unwanted body fat. This is entirely free to you!

The cretins at Ab Rocket Twister claim that you will get a better workout from their piece of junk than you will get from crunches and sit-ups. They also tell you that you can essentially sit back and the machine will do most of the work for you. These bold claims could not get any more absurd, you could easily think this junk is more of a gag gift than something that is allegedly supposed to be serious fitness gear. But, they would not be still in business if there were no customers buying them.

Let’s be real, there are few people now days who actually have visible ab muscles, which should tell you just how hard it is to get them. We can acknowledge that it has a little to do with genetics, but it is mostly due to the fact that it takes a making the choice to personally commit to a combination of factors, which you must put together in the right amounts. These factors are healthy eating, regular exercise, and a committed lifestyle. There are no short cuts!

Never,ever buy into the lie that you need “revolutionary resistance technology to flatten your entire core. Abs might get built in the gym, but it is the work in the kitchen which will reveal them.  No matter how much you workout, there is one simple truth that applies to all of us. Your diet is 80% responsible for the way you look, exercise accounts for the other 20%.

You cannot outperform a bad diet!


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