Setting Goals

I have set different  goals at different  times in my life. When I was in my teens and early adulthood I just wanted to be really thin. As I matured mentally and learned more about health, I changed that goal. I developed a strong desire to be strong and to look like it. I began…

Stay On Track

The question of how to stay on track when life gets crazy has been posed. The truthful answer is simply, keep doing the same thing that got you to where you are when you asked that question. I have worked for a major weight loss company and many times I observed a well known phenomena…

Do What’s Necessary

We tend to put the truly necessary things off and put less important activities and tasks first. Staying alive and functional should be in first place but so often the actions needed to up our chances of longevity are relegated to the bottom of the list. In order to survive and thrive we need food,…


How determined are you to achieve your health and wellness goals? Are you willing to be relentless? So often we decide that we want to “get healthy” but when the going gets tough, we bail. I challenge you to be formidable. Olympians understand this mindset and they have common characteristics that help them achieve their…

Fluids and Electrolytes

  Always consult your physician if you suspect an electrolyte imbalance. Electrolytes are chemicals that conduct electricity when mixed with water. They hydrate the body and regulate nerve and muscle function. Electrolytes balance blood pressure and blood acidity and help rebuild damaged tissues. The muscles and nerve cells rely on the movement of electrolytes through…

It’s Up To You

You are responsible for your success or failure. Circumstances do have an impact but what you believe to be true concerning your success is critical. If you believe that your success is at least 85% your responsibility then you will most likely succeed. If you blame other people or circumstances for failure then your chances…

Exercise Recovery

As often happens, a good plenty of well intentioned folks begin a new exercise regimen and soon find themselves either stagnating or totally burnt out in a fairly short order of time. What might be the problem? It’s simple. People who are new to exercise of any kind do not know what it is they…

Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

Before I decided to get real about health and fitness, I asked this question many times.  Having worked for a major weight loss company, I have also been asked this question many times. The answer is always the same. We are not being entirely  accountable. When we get serious about our health we will stop…


See your goal Develop a clear vision of what you want to accomplish. Understand the obstacles Know your pitfalls, and plan how you are going to work through them. When you run into a wall, go around it. If you cannot go around, then climb over it. If you cannot climb over it, tunnel underneath…

How to Develop Consistency

Consistency is required for any measure of true success. If we are sporadic in our efforts to be healthy, we will consistently backslide into bad habits and make little to no real progress. Setting and achieving goals will increase consistency. Decide what you want to achieve and then set small, achievable goals to get there….