Cookbook of Healthy Living & No Regrets Review

cookbook and mixing bowl

Wonderful Work!

Here at David’s Way to Health and Fitness we teach taking control and creating a life that you love. We teach that our health is largely in our hands, most of the time. Nowhere is this exemplified better than in this amazing book! Jayne J. Jones was at the doorway of death and completely turned her life around by taking control and making healthy choices. By the Grace of God, her husband got her to the hospital just in time to save her life. She created this sugar-free cookbook with the knowledge that she has acquired in the last 18 months.

This beautiful hardcover book is available on her website for only $23.95. You can also purchase it from Amazon. It’s beautiful to look at and chock full of amazing sugar-free recipes. Jane’s story is in the beginning of the book and it’s guaranteed to inspire you to take control of your health. She is an excellent role-model for anyone wanting to become proactive in their own health.

Since we help people with healthy weight loss when it’s needed, you might be interested to know that Jayne lost 60 pounds and dropped 4 dress sizes when she got real about survival. She came to her health crisis with no foreknowledge that she was ill. As soon as she became aware of the critical nature of her diagnosis of diabetes, she began to make changes. We beg you to do this in every article we publish. She has put in the work and she is reaping the rewards.

The book has a detailed Table of Contents that makes it easy to find the recipe that you want. The graphic art and beautiful, color pictures add so much to the artistic appeal of this book. It’s coffee table worthy. Jane herself is a lovely, petite blonde that looks to be the picture of health. She is  proof that her lifestyle, the very one that we strongly encourage, works. She works hard and is a loving wife and mother. Jayne is also a college professor, lawyer and advocate for children with disabilities.

Sometimes when we see people who successfully navigate their health, we tend to believe that they are sitting in an ivory tower, isolated from real life. That gives us an excuse to remain the same. Jane has proven that a real person living a real life, who works and tends to a family every day, can make these simple changes. Although she knew nothing about how to improve her health at the time of diagnosis, she made it her business to learn everything that she possibly could to change the outcome. She is a busy woman who cooks her own food, unlike celebrities who have a private chef. She leaves you with no excuses. Her vision was gone and her blood pressure was the highest that I have ever heard of when she turned her life around. Don’t ever think that it’s too late to take care of yourself. You just might get a miracle.

Jayne was gracious enough to give us an email interview. We asked her the following questions. Here are her replies.

1-Did you ever consider diabetes being a reality for you?

You know, I did Google diabetes symptoms once in awhile but no doctor ever used the D word with me. Now, we believe I’ve been diabetic for at least 15, possibly 20 years!!

2-Before you began getting sick, did you have any other symptoms?

Some, but never put two and two together. I had terrible stomach aches, so I went cold turkey on soda. They continued, so I went cold turkey on red meat and instead ordered a boatload of sides….all pure sugar and I’d still get sick!!

3-If you had any thoughts that you could be diabetic, did you consider changes to your diet?

Not because I thought I was diabetic, I thought it was the soda…the red meat. I was CLUELESS!!

4-Would you have changed if you had not been diagnosed with diabetes?

I had no choice, after being in the ER my vision was gone for 3 weeks. I don’t look back. I look forward. New me, new health. Now my vision is 20/20 AGAIN!!

5-Is there a message that you would like to spread to others about sugar and how it has impacted your life?

Read my blog from day one. It will change how you see your own health and the impact of sugar on your body.

6-How did you feel when you realized that you had to learn a different way of eating and cooking?

At first, tremendous amount of guilt. I was pissed, at myself. For 5 months, I was angry, frustrated and overwhelmed. Then I got my Spunk back and watch out Ha!! Medicine free, 60 lbs lighter and vision 20/20!!

7-Did you think that it could be done?

I didn’t have a choice. I was told if I didn’t get healthy I’d have 4-5 years to live. I rolled up my sleeves and went to work. Life is too important to not understand the pure blessing of every day you are given. So for me, if the choice is a candy bar OR my eyesight, years to live, it’s not debatable.

8-How did you learn a new way to cook?

Pure experiment and commitment. I don’t cheat. I can’t or I get sick.

9- How does the quality of your life now compare with the quality of your life before the diagnosis?

I feel absolutely wonderful!!!! Loads of energy! Haha!!

We are forever grateful for the opportunity to share the work of this health warrior. She is doing exactly what we beg you to do, by taking the actions recommended to her by her physician to turn her health around. ALWAYS consult your medical doctor before beginning ANY weight loss program. David’s Way to Health and Fitness is NOT a medical advisor.




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