Valentine’s Day Blues

You Don’t Have to Like Valentine’s Day! Let me just begin this article by saying that I unequivocally hate Valentine’s Day. Yep, I said it. I would just bet that a large number of you feel the same way but have never voiced your opinion. I mean, after all…it’s Valentine’s Day right? A day of…

New Years Weight Loss Resolutions

I am just going to be blunt about this – if weight loss for 2023 was your New Year’s resolution, what makes you believe this will be the year that you will find success? Every year around the world, as people are celebrating the holidays, they begin thinking about their New Year resolution which very…

New Years Health Assessment

2022 is almost gone and 2023 is rapidly approaching, how is your health? Every year at this time, millions of people around the world are making promises to themselves that they are going to lose weight in the new year. Most people want to blame the fall and winter holiday season on their weight gain,…

Slow Death of a Loved One

Death comes to us all, there is no avoiding it. To some people, death is a scary thought, for me personally, it is only the process of dying that I fear. I hate the idea of dying a slow, and agonizing death as a result of illness, or injury. I don’t think most of us…

Ozempic and Disordered Eating

Brenda Sue and I are often contacted for advice on healthy eating and weight loss. And of course we welcome all who come to us – we are serious about helping others in their weight loss journey. The problem however, it seems that once some of these people hear our recommendations, they believe that our…

Weight Loss Formula

“The Secret” Most people believe that there is a mysterious, secret formula that will FINALLY yield weight loss. They search relentlessly for the magic bullet that will fix their weight problem once and for all. Just tonight, a lovely, young girl with a modest amount of weight to lose asked me what is the best…

Season of Danger

YIKES! Oh, my goodness! Here we are again in the most fattening season of the year. Remember, I speak from experience. I have been a size 22 and I know every excuse to be fat. The real kicker is simply this, when we look for excuses to be fat, this Season is an excellent one….

Weight Loss: First Understand Yourself

One of the main keys to successful weight loss, and the ability to keep it off, is that you first understand yourself. Why did you become overweight over the years? What is your relationship to the foods which you secretly overconsume on a regular basis? Face it, there are certain things which you need to…

“5 Best Fat-Burners for Women”

If you are a woman who has been struggling to lose weight, you might believe it has become the  time for you to try a female fat burner.  After all, there are a plethora top-rated fat burners which  contain all natural ingredients that may help reduce your cravings, increase energy levels, and provide your metabolism…

Avoid Weight Regain!

CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFORE BEGINNING OR MAINTAINING ANY WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM. The Reality Most people who lose weight regain it. The frequently quoted percentage of people who regain their lost weight  is 95%. There have been studies done to try to debunk this statistic, but no specific percentage has emerged as a result of these…