Summer Countdown

Summer presents unique challenges for a lot of women. A lot of us are self conscious about exposing our bodies in swimsuits and shorts. If we start now, by summer we can have some positive changes that will make us more comfortable in summer clothes.

1-Determine now, that this summer will be better. Regardless of the amount of weight that you want to lose, there is time to effect some positive changes. Seize this moment in time to go after a great summer experience. Focus. When Fall drifts in, you will be sad to see the summer go!

2-Set a goal for summer fun. If you like to swim, decide where. If it’s a pool membership, get your finances ready. Some gyms with pools are expensive. Don’t let money keep you from the summer of your dreams. Maybe you want to take a cruise! Definitely get your finances ready! If you want to take a beach vacation or even go to the mountains, you will want to wear cute summer clothes in a new size. Be prepared to shop.

3-Make a plan. It’s good to write your goals. Make two lists or charts, one for finances, one for health goals. Set your goals in place and then write the steps necessary to get there. It’s about 17 weeks until the first day of summer. By following a conservative eating plan such as David’s Way, you can lose a significant amount of weight before that day, June 21.

4-Consider other things that you can do to up your self esteem for this season. You might get a new hairstyle or color. Don’t wait too late to do this. You don’t want to find out that your new style doesn’t suit you at the last moment. The idea is to have everything just right before you take that trip or splash into that pool party. Remember to make your hairstyle easy care and adaptable to summer heat and humidity.

5-Take inventory of your personal life. If you live with someone who makes you feel bad about yourself in summer clothes or during vacations or other special seasonal events, you might want to ask yourself why you put up with this. Sometimes we have to bite the bullet and remove abusers from our lives to truly enjoy anything.

6-Schedule. You need to look ahead at your work schedule and the schedules of those around you now to arrange off time for special summer events. If you wait, the stress can cause you to binge eat. The amount of stress that we inflict on ourselves trying to go on vacation and reduce stress is unimaginable. Head it off at the pass and settle these issues now.

7-Dump frienemies. You cannot enjoy this season of skimpy clothes and feasting with people around you who will make snarky remarks designed to undermine your efforts at self improvement. I don’t care if you’ve known them since high school, dump them if they EVER do this. Snarky is not friendly, it’s friendly fire. It will kill you. Oftentimes these people have bad habits and they do not want to see you succeed in your weight management. They had much rather keep you under their thumb. Don’t let it happen.

8-Journal every bite. If you bite it, write it. Know what you’re eating. As David says, you can not outrun a bad diet. Be truthful with yourself. Know how many calories you are supposed to eat. Eat them and stop eating for the day. Make your diet nutritionally dense. Read David’s article, “Make Every Bite Count”. He elaborates on nutritional density in this article. It’s profoundly important. Use the “Calorie Counter Pro” here on the blog to discover how many calories you need to eat.

9-Tweak your exercise program, with your doctor’s permission. I love weight training. You may love something else. Whatever you do, look at it with your doctor and see how you can improve. Be faithful to your program. Having an exercise program is not the same as DOING an exercise program. In 17 weeks you can see improvement with any plan, IF… you are faithful.

10-Shop! About 2 weeks before your event, shop. As much as I love on-line shopping, I strongly encourage you to shop in a brick and mortar store. You can try swimsuits and shorts and summer tops on with that full length mirror and choose the pieces that make you feel like a rock star. Ordering online is fine if you always know exactly what you want but nothing beats that in-store experience of trying on something in a different size and looking awesome in it. DO NOT take a negative person with you on this shopping trip. It’s better to go alone and please YOU. YOU are the one who will wear it all summer. Get what you want.

11- Just before your trip make sure to mani, pedi and body scrub. A swimsuit always looks better with glowing skin. Investigate waterproof makeups or skin care products that you can’t do without. I personally love mascara but Ladies, there’s just not one that really looks good if you swim and really let your hair down. You don’t want those raccoon eyes! You can use some great moisturizers, sun screens and BB cream type facial products, curl your lashes and apply a great lip color, or just a good balm.

12-PROTECT YOUR SKIN! Use high SPF sunscreens, hats, sunglasses and sleeves when appropriate. Great skin protection will set you up for a lifetime of good looking summers!

Relax into the season knowing that you are at your best, looking great, free from negative influence and abuse. You’ve worked hard, now enjoy! You deserve it. ♥ ;-*

2 Comments Add yours

  1. David Yochim says:

    Brenda Sue, these were great words of wisdom you shared with our wonderful readers.

    1. Brenda Sue says:

      Thank you, David. Summer can either be awesome or awful. I want them to enjoy it!

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